Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is the most recent Retro release, and their first game on the Wii U; along with the new console came a large overhaul of the engine, with a lot of old formats being removed, a lot of new ones introduced, and a lot of the remaining ones being overhauled completely.
- ANIM: Animations
- ARC: Archive
- CABH: Audio bus heirarchy
- CAUD: Audio metadata
- CHAR: Characters
- CMDL: Generic models
- CSMP: Audio samples; music and sound effects
- DCLN: Collision OBB tree group
- FSMC: AI finite state machines
- GENP: Particles
- GFX: Unknown
- GFXL: Unknown
- MP4: Videos
- LDTA: Controls setups
- MSBT: Strings
- MTRL: Shaders
- PAK: Packfile
- ROOM: Level data
- RSTC: Unknown
- SKEL: Skeletons
- SMDL: Skinned models
- SWSH: Particle swoosh data
- TXTR: Textures
- UINF: Universe info
- WMDL: World models
- XFRM: Unknown
- There's a lot of leftover remnants of a PC build running on DX11 that was presumably used during development, including an archive of compiled HLSL shaders, numerous references to DX11, and a controls setup for PC.