ROOM (File Format)

Revision as of 16:54, 13 February 2015 by >Claris (LGEN)

The ROOM format is used to store object layout data in Tropical Freeze.

This file format needs a lot of research
Most of this format hasn't been researched yet.



Type Size Description
Section Header 0x18 "RMHD" section header
u16 2 Unknown (Always 3?)


PGRP likely stands for Performance Group, a term referenced by a few objects.

Type Size Description
Section Header 0x18 "PGRP" section header
u16 2 Count

For count:

Type Size Description
u32 4 Name length
string - Name (not zero-terminated)
u128 0x10 ID
u8 1 Unknown
u16 2 ID count (IC)
u128 0x10 * IC IDs


Type Size Description
Section Header 0x18 "LGEN" section header
u16 2 Count

For count:

Type Size Description
u128 0x10 ID
u128 0x10 ID


Type Size Description
Section Header 0x18 "COMP" section header
u32 4 Object type
u128 0x10 Instance ID
u32 4 Instance name length
string - Instance name (not zero-terminated)
u16 2 Connection count

Each connection is structured as:

Offset Type Size Description
0x0 char[4] 4 State
0x4 char[4] 4 Message
0x8 u128 0x10 Target Instance ID
0x18 u32 4 Unknown

Following is property data; size and contents vary by object type.

Object Types

ID Object
0x2BE8BC19 LightStatic
0x9EE5541D LightDynamic
0x73AECD92 FogVolume
0x7DCAF170 BloomEffect
0x655C5175 AudioBusController
0x24D9D323 AudioEffect
0x8FE0BFC9 Relay
0x97E65DDD TouchableTrigger
0xC49D730E TriggerLogic
0x3175DF36 ApplyDamage
0x06E89BE7 Health
0xBDE4AB05 TakeDamage
0x6C5D597D NearVisible
0x749749F1 Everything