WPSC (File Format)

This file format needs more research
Key parameters need reverse-engineering

The WPSC effect script format is used to build weapon-projectiles in the Metroid Prime series. Projectile appearance, audio and motion are controlled by the keys in this script.


Scope is one of (Constant, System)

  • Constant parameters are evaluated once initially and retained within the system.
  • System parameters are evaluated per-system, per-frame.
FourCC Scope Data Type Description Notes
LWTR bool
EWTR bool
SWTR bool
PJFX int (ATBL entry)
TRAT float
HOMG bool
OFST float3
COLR int (CRSC ref) Projectile collision-response
PCOL float4
POFS float3
PSCL float3
PSLT int
OHEF int (CMDL ref)
APSM int (PART ref) Primary particle-system for projectile
APSO bool Local-transform for APSM If set, APSM particles will be continuously-transformed to projectile
APS1 int (PART ref) Secondary particle-system for projectile
AP11 bool Local-transform for APS1 If set, APS1 particles will be continuously-transformed to projectile
APS2 int (PART ref) Tertiary particle-system for projectile
AP21 bool Local-transform for APS2 If set, APS2 particles will be continuously-transformed to projectile
ASW1 int (SWHC ref) Primary swoosh-system for projectile
AS11 bool Local-transform for ASW1 If set, ASW1 strips will be continuously-transformed to projectile
ASW2 int (SWHC ref) Secondary swoosh-system for projectile
AS12 bool Local-transform for ASW2 If set, ASW2 strips will be continuously-transformed to projectile
ASW3 int (SWHC ref) Tertiary swoosh-system for projectile
AS13 bool Local-transform for ASW3 If set, ASW3 strips will be continuously-transformed to projectile
PSOV float3
IORN float3
VMD2 bool
PSVM float3
IVEC float3 Initial projectile velocity
RNGE float Maximum projectile range Optional parameter, range usually controlled by frame-count / lifetime
FC60 bool New in Trilogy (and PAL releases probably)
SPS1 bool New in Trilogy (and PAL releases probably)
SPS2 bool New in Trilogy (and PAL releases probably)