CSPP (File Format)

This file format needs a lot of research
Research into how this file is used and what the fields actually mean is needed.


Type Count Name Notes
u32 1 Element A Count
Element A Element A Count Element A Table
u32 1 Element B Count
Element B Element B Count Element B Table
End of file

Element A

Type Count Name Notes
u32 1 Seg Id A Converted to 8-bit after reading.
u32 1 Seg Id B Converted to 8-bit after reading.
Inner Pair 1 Inner Pair
Vector3f 1 Unknown Vector
float 1 Unknown Float
End of file

Element B

Type Count Name Notes
u32 1 Seg Id A Converted to 8-bit after reading.
u32 1 Seg Id B Converted to 8-bit after reading.
Inner Pair 1 Inner Pair
OBBox 1 OBBox
End of file

Inner Pair

Type Count Name Notes
u32 1 Unknown 1
u32 1 Unknown 2
End of file


Type Count Name Notes
Transform4f 1 Transform
Vector3f 1 Extents
End of file